How to do Anjaneyasana and what is its benefits - Masterofitness


How to do Anjaneyasana and what is its benefits - Masterofitness

 Today our focus especially for runners and cyclists a great posture for athletes a variation for warrior one and comes regularly in Sun Salutation. I am talking about low lunge also known as Anjaneyasana or Crescent pose a little bit of variation in the asanas changes the whole name concept often this. it's a beginner level standing balancing pose.

Sanskrit: (अंजनेयासन)  Anjaneyasana
Anjaneya means Son of Anjana
Asana means Pose or Posture.

The Anjaneya means son of Anjana. Here Anjana is mother of Hanuman who have a great role in Ramayana. In English this pose is also called a crescent moon Pose. This name is because of the position of body in this posture is like crescent moon. We can mainly sees the Hanumanji in this pose. This pose also called as half-moon pose in Sivananda yoga.

Pose Level:

  • Beginner

Pose Type:

  • stretch, back-bend, strength, Balance

Precautions to be followed in the anjaneyasana ( crescent moon pose)

  •    It's very important to know that people with chronic injury to the legs or hip should avoid the pose hard any conditions completely avoided.
  • If you have a high blood pressure please don't do this pose or do it under medical supervision.
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Preparatory Poses for Crescent Moon Pose

  we get into Anjaneyasana it's very important to start with

Follow up poses for Crescent moon pose

After end the anjaneyasana you must do this postures,

  • Virbhadrasana I
  • Virbhadrasana III

How to do Anjayasana?

Now let's get into the practice so before we do a runner's lunge or Anjaneyasana. Any asana that you starts with a cards. 

  so you told yourself lift the shoulder up and back and down your chin is parallel your face must have several eyes and you  don't forget to smile. don't have to be very serious when you do the poses.

From here  keep your right leg take a step forward now it depends on person to person some people will take a step here someone it depends upon your comfort-ability but don't take it too wide right. you can't balance it now if somebody's having a new shoe shorten the distance else you can take it out straight.

Keep the back heel up now what you need your knee and ankle is in one line. Your knee and second toe is in one line right now maintain this position but now if you want to reduce the intensity.

You can keep the knees on the floor if you have a new shoes please use a bolster or a block so tall yourself and just keep moving forward. 
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So it's a deep stretch to your hip flexors keep moving check the neck and shoulders relax all the variations are fine. you can lift the arms up give a backward extension it's a great chest opener right.

So breath ingest much better in this position breathe now that's a way where you get into a little bit of beginner level. now if you want to get it a little it more intense lift the knees up tall yourself keep your back leg active maintain this position and not from here lift the arms up and breathe.

Engage your cores see that your pelvis is not going like this or this keep it neutral okay tall yourself lengthen it and maintain that position now in case holding it isometrically you need a little bit of movement.

So add the dynamic movement just to change a little bit so once again check the movement tall yourself lift up and just move one two three hands on the hip. You maintain that position.  just to change a little bit of dynamic movement into your board asana it's great to have variations in Anjaneyasana.

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Benefits of Anjaneyasana

  1. It's a great pose for balance memory and concentration.
  2. Also people have benefited specially people with sciatica pain have benefited with these.
  3. it's opening the heart and chest and lungs.
  4. it strengthens the legs the arms shoulders and back.
  5. it gives a nice flexibility to your hamstrings hip flexors and groin.
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Now you knows that how to do anjeyasana or Crescent moon pose. So what are you waiting for. Add this pose in your daily poses. That's refresh your mind also. In this article we study detail information about anjayenasana.
If you have any questions ask in comment.

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